18 July 2018

Yes, Mr Rollins (A Known Dancing Monkey), You Are Correct

The strong DON'T need a gun.

That's why muscle bound thugs prefer disarmed victims.

Using the same projection as Mr Rollins, that means that he intends to do harm to someone because of his muscles.

Thanks to my injuries, I am not fleet of foot and that keeps me from being very strong.

Happily, I'm armed.  So, bring it, HR!

I agree with you, yet you're the one who's wrong.

Ironic, don't you think?


  1. God made men, Samuel Colt made men equal.

    These meatheads want us to go back to the days of Only the Strong Rule. That way leads to a more stratified world based upon biceps. Logically, Mr. Meathead would rule until he's 40-45, then some other meathead will make his head pancake with a mace.

    Nope. Had enough of that shite in the social realm of junior high and high school. Thank you very much.

  2. Isn't this both ableist and ageist?

  3. Hey Angus;

    I am too old and inflexible to take an assbeating...I will just shoot. Older people don't heal like the young ones do.

  4. Y'all have touched on the hidden meaning of the quote; the individual is useful to society only as long as they deem fit. Also, the jackass seems to be arguing for 'natural selection'. I suppose the prohibition of life saving Rx is next. If one should die from TB, oh well, they were not fit and society is better off.

    Mr. Eugenics (H.R.) certainly packs a mouthful, eh?

  5. My overlarge brain and ability to use tools have naturally selected me to win a confrontation with Mr Muscles less adapted form.

    And he thinks he's smarter for refusing the tools?

  6. Does this clown object to swords?


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