04 March 2018


My first all up "assault weapon" was my heavily modified Mini-14.

It did not go off and murder people.  It did not make me go off and murder people.

Perhaps that's because I modified it from a normal rifle and some of that "good" magic still clung to it.

So I built a British L1A1 rifle from a parts kit.

It did not go off and murder people.  It did not make me go off and murder people.

Maybe it's the caliber?  7.62x51mm isn't really an "assault weapon" caliber.

So there's a long wait while the AWB expires before testing can resume.

Now I've acquired several AR-15's in different calibers and rifling twist.

They did not go off and murder people.  They did not make me go off and murder people.

Could it be that the AR is not really an "assault weapon" like the AK surely is!

So I got an AK.  7.62x39mm  Folding stock and everything!

It did not go off and murder people.  It did not make me go off and murder people.

Could it be a caliber problem?

So I got an AK in 5.45x39mm.  All the banned features.

It did not go off and murder people.  It did not make me go off and murder people.

Either every single "assault weapon" I've owned or own is defective with regards for murdering people; or I am defective with regards to murdering people in that I am sane and won't be murdering anyone.

Wanna hear about my huge collection of blunt instruments next?  Spoiler, I don't murder people with those either.

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