08 March 2018

Found On Arfcom

Funny whenever you see a Spec Ops guy going against the constitution it's always a SEAL or some Marine, but NEVER a Ranger. Wonder why that is?


  1. Intersting, a relative of mine is a registered Massachusetts Democrat, he's an employee of a Union (note:not a union worker) so as you can guess is insanely liberal.

    He's also a ranger, and while not a gun ower, is about as solidly pro-2nd Amendment as anyone could be.


  2. Also Dave Grossman was able to be cowed into speaking out against "violent video games" despite how it really isn't supported by any data.

    But he only said positive things about those who go lawfully armed, nevermind what kinds of tools they use.

    Also a Ranger.

  3. I suspect because 'Spec Ops' is the hot group that everyone knows. A lot fewer people recognize 'Ranger'. I've read elsewhere that a very large percentage of people who claim to have been Spec Ops were not; some were never even military.


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