08 March 2018


Momentum and missteps.

I really do think that we lost the chance to stop SB 7026 when the big guns refused to step out of the shadows and support open and campus carry.

It signaled we were divided on the this topic, so other fissures must exist.

It's the Fudd gun vs MSR thing again.

The conservative vs liberal (in their original meanings no less).

Ms Hammer and the NRA represent the conservative position on carry.  Florida Carry and many gun owners represent the liberal position.

The problem is the status quo aligns with their conservative position and thus refuses to do anything to expand gun rights.

In politics, I've been noticing, if you're not expanding, you're contracting.

The biggest pro-gun organization allowed the answer to, "you're pissing off the gun owners," to be a nice safe, "so what?"

Now we have another "compromise" where something is taken from us and nothing is gained.

I'm beyond pissed off.  I'm so upset I am wondering what it takes to get on the ballot.


  1. Sorry, but Florida Carry also has a lot to be blamed for when they stood up with Moms Demand on shitting in one bill the NRA supported. I understood they did not like the bill, but they could have kept their mouth shut and not give the Opposition ammo.
    And then the waste of money and time with the Norman case in which they batted a big fat zero in-every-single-court.

    1. Dammit, you're not wrong. I hate that!

      Florida Carry is definitely hit and miss. And when they miss, they miss BAD.

      I give them some slack in they've had hits and have been on my side in the past 7 years, where Marion really hasn't.

      With both of them I am getting sick of knowing way more about any given piece of legislation before I get the first email from them. They don't keep me informed faster than I can find out on my own, they don't get pro-gun legislation passed, they don't get anti-gun legislation repealed.

      What good are they any more?

  2. Can't complain with that assesment


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