24 March 2018


With all the sturm and drang over fix NICS...

Let's clear the air a bit.

Fix NICS is an incentive package to the subsidiary governments of the states and municipalities to get them to provide accurate and timely information to the NICS.

If you regard this as gun control, you're barking at the wrong law.

That would be the actual NICS.

The mandate for NICS is old enough to drink.  Implementation will be able to buy a rifle in Florida next year.

So, tell me, what have you been doing to repeal that portion of the Brady Law?  Anything?  Just complaining in the comments on blogs?

Want to go back to the background system mandated in Brady until NICS replaced it?  I don't.

So it's two things you have to fix.

Thing is... how do you oppose a background check without coming across as someone who'd like violent felons to have guns?

I've got a two part plan there.  First we change the sentencing laws so that people we don't want to have guns never walk among us again.  Second, we just accept that if they're out among us, they're allowed a gun.

That's maximum liberty there.  I suggest my plan to my congress creatures every year too.  No reply yet.

But background checks are popular you're not going to get them completely repealed.

I'd like to see one of several no-trace background checks implemented.  There's no need for a record of the check to be kept.  It should be a simple thumbs up or thumbs down check.  Enter the name and driver's license number in and get the go/nogo from the system.  Let anyone call in or hit the web page.  Easy as pie.

But the gun control people don't want that there's no record of things.  Fight that!

Some of the prohibitions are stupid.  Felony embezzlement?  Why should that preclude the convicted person from owning a gun?

We either need to change it from felon to violent felon, or fully fund an office for the restoration of rights to people who're not a danger.

But I never see the most vocal opponents to Fix NICS raise any of the points I just brought up.

I wonder why.


  1. Politicians who are in favor for the restoration of rights for felons, usually scream like little girls when you ask them about restoring Felons' Second Amendment Rights. They basically want to give violent criminals the right to vote Law Abiding Citizens out of their tools for safety.

    Restoration of all rights for non-violent Felons. That shouldn't be an issue.

    Did you feel that? It was the planet adjusting itself to a new axis... McThag and I agreed on something else.
    Two more and a Planet-Killer Asteroid hits us.


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