05 March 2018

Once Upon A Time

J. KB writes at Miguels:

The only thing worse than an out of touch celebrity with an armed security detail lecturing Middle America about guns is  an out of touch celebrity with an armed security detail, who can’t honestly fill out a 4473 or pass a NICS check, lecturing Middle America about guns.

 I'd like to remind everyone of Barry Seal.

He's played by Tom Cruise in American Made.

Barry got fucked by the government publishing pictures of the drug lords he took.

He was, rightfully, in fear for his life because of it.

He was told, in no uncertain terms, that because he was a convicted felon that he could not own guns, be around guns (and here's the important part) HIRE PEOPLE WITH GUNS.

This is someone they knew the drug cartels wanted to murder and they refused to let him hire security and forced to keep a fixed schedule to a known location.

If our celebrity felons were banned from hiring people with guns, do you think the tune would change?

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