07 March 2018


It is official.

The NRA-PVF ratings are garbage.

I've now watched FOUR A-rated politicians pushing FOR this bill.

Marion, this is why I constantly call you to task.

The NRA national has abdicated their political power to you in my state and I'm afraid I want to see more than an email telling me what I already knew about a bill in session.

If you can't do more than Miguel's blog, then what need do we have of you?

NRA national?  Fix this.

You concede that Florida is a gun rights battleground state.  A battleground that you cede to the enemy regularly because you can't get Marion to back bills she didn't write.

We needed support for the very non-Fudd bills of campus carry and open carry.

I have seen, repeatedly that if it's not Fudd, we don't get Marion.

Well, you showed them you didn't care and they're walking all over us now.

Fix this!

Be the gorilla you could be.

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