20 December 2018


The Supreme Court has ruled (more than once) that the police have no duty to protect us.

These rulings stem from suits being filed by people who'd been victimized because the cops didn't act in a timely manner or at all.

There are two basic arguments from the cops.  The reasonable argument is they cannot be everywhere at once because they're a scarce resource.  The unreasonable argument, that still works in court, is paying off the victims after losing the suit would end up bankrupting the agency.

These arguments and their court rulings have resulting in the cops having zero responsibility at all.

This has created an unreasonable situation because there are cases where the cops are present at the scene and could have intervened.  Yes, they can't be everywhere at once but they were there this time.

There's a guy who almost bled out on a subway after being stabbed by a criminal while two officers cowered behind a locked door watching the attack.

There's the infamous coward of Broward who hid outside while the students in his charge were being murdered.

These cops were at the scenes of the crimes and did nothing.

I am sure I am not the only person to notice that most law enforcement agencies are union.

Unionized workplaces have a long tradition of seeking to be paid without actually doing the work they were hired to do and, in the case of public unions especially, getting lavish pensions and benefits far earlier than in the public sector.

The Coward of Broward is collecting on that retirement package right now, despite a clear dereliction of duty.

It is wrong and a solution must be found, otherwise why are we bothering to pay the cops?

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