20 December 2018

Pot Pie

There's times I miss a couple of my friends from Iowa.

For a while all of my friends were either computer programmers (distinct from IT!) or chefs.

When three of your bestest buddies are professional cook types at that level, you get spoiled with some of their experiments.

Plus, they were a "little" competitive.

I fondly remember pot-pie week.

Every day was a different kind of pot pie from each of them.

And I wish I lived a lot closer to my friends so they could get to cooking!

I've gone and made myself hungry for a (good) pot pie.  Darn it!

1 comment:

  1. We always buy too much turkey just for the joy of leftovers chopped up into little chunks and boiled down and reduced turkey stock just for turkey pot pies. Even bought some of those smaller individual pie sized pans.

    Had pot-pie last night, homemade crust with a pinch of poultry seasoning added in for flavor, creamy filling with meat and veggies, mmmmmmmm. Mmmmmmmmmmmm.

    Looking forward to more turkey next week, and the associated leftovers. Should end up with enough for pot-pies once a month till at least July.


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