03 December 2018

I Used To Know How To Do This Math

The lowest CMP M1911A1 lottery number reported on two different forums is 1097.

The highest is mine at 2765.

1097 was issued on November 2nd.

In 18 business days they've drawn 1,668 numbers or an average of 92.667 per day.

The lowest reported number for "send in the money" is also 1097 with the highest being 1511.

In the 15 business days separating these 414 numbers they've averaged 27.6 per day.

If they don't speed up or slow down... there are (about) 45 business days between my number and having to send in the money.

That's February 15, 2019.

Plenty of time!

Eyes, legs, arms and fingers crossed that they keep up this sedate pace to allow me to accumulate the funds!

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