22 December 2018

Someone Has Never Met A Slave

LeBron James' panties are in a bunch about how the NFL is all rich old white men and how they're treating the players like slaves and the teams have a slave mentality.

In particular he is critical of the owners saying words to the effect of, "This is my team. You do what the fuck I tell y’all to do, or we get rid of y’all."

First off Mr James, I don't think you understand slavery at all.

The NFL league minimum for 2018 is $480,000 and will increase to $495,000 next season.

No NFL player was forced to sign their contract.  We know this because when they become unhappy with their chosen profession and attempt to get a better deal than they've agreed to they are never released from the contract for signing it under coercion or duress.

Mr James, the owner of a company has every right to demand that their employees do their jobs in the way the owner wants to have them done or fire the employees if they refuse.

It's called having a job!

Most of us put up with it for a fuck load less than $480,000 a year too!

Speaking of lower wages, Mr James; if you could not play basketball, or leverage your fame as a basketball player, what work are you qualified to do?  Your bio doesn't mention any education of note, so I'm going to say you're qualified to be a burger flipper without basketball.

Pardon me, but you should stop being critical of the "rich" part of "rich old white man" because your first paycheck let you join the rich man club.  Why don't you buy a football team and show them how it's done?  You've got the money.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, he's talking out of his ass.

    He and his ilk can play one year and retire like 'kings and shit' if they manage their money properly.

    Whereas too many of us poor white people came over as debt-slaves and indentured servants. And then morphed into company slaves during the great Union Creation and Busting eras.

    Please, slavery in the NBA or NFL or any professional sport, yeah, right. Tell it to the cheerleaders who get paid squat and have to pay for a lot of their own stuff. Tell it to the vendors who's livelihood is dependent on some talented jock's ability to properly do his damned job of being a talented jock. Or all the other peons dependent on the dancing monkeys to perform (circus reference, not racist reference.)

    Well, actually, Cuba seems to be selling it's slaves to Major League Baseball. But that's enlightened Cuba, which is a bright and shining star, I mean a bright and red pustule of corruption and ignorance, kinda like Chicago but sunnier and with a tropic flair...


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