26 December 2018

Open Letter To Patreon

I am paying a small amount every month to see content from select creators.

If they say they're not getting the money I'm sending via the Patreon service, I will stop payment.

Just to do the math for you, 5% of $0 is $0.00.

I am paying for content, you're supposed to be processing the transaction that lets the content creator get paid.

I'm willing to bet that every single person who's complained about content on a given creator's page is not paying that creator.

That's a zero gain for cutting that creator off from the money I want to send them.

Your choice, as a business, is to take 5% of what I'm paying (actual, real money) or 5% of the $0 the people complaining are paying (which is, as mentioned earlier $0).

The person paying you is the customer, not the person standing outside bitching about the wares for sale.

Listen to the customer.

If the people I support don't get paid, you don't get paid.

1 comment:

  1. They have pulled enough bullshit that the moment a competitor i trust comes online I'm deleting my account. I will not continue to do business with people this unscrupulous no matter how much they claim to have "reformed"


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