01 December 2018

Godspeed Mr Bush

You weren't much of a President, but you were a gentleman.

Wait, I forgot you're the rat-fuck that EO'd what later becomes 922r (which you signed).

Burn in Hell, Cocksucker.  I'll kick you in the balls right after I'm done with McCain and MacNamara.


  1. As much as I dislike Sr Bush for all of his Rino ways, and while I am glad that younger Bush was in office on 911 rather than the alternative, my liking of the younger has dropped precipitously since he took our victory in Afghanistan and screwed it up so bad that we are still there with good guys getting killed every week (Don't get me started on the Iraq fiasco). And as a family they have shown their true colors from Jeb being Pro-Illegal to the W-easel supporting Hillary over President Trump.

    But I admit to being clueless about "922r".

    Could you help a Brother out and explain what is the 922r of which you speak,

    Thanks, MSG grumpy

    1. 18 USC 922r is the stupid law about US parts content in guns.

      Detailed information here.

  2. Glad to see I am not the only one that has memory.

    He also pulled the "I QUIT THE NRA!" stunt after La Pierre called ATF "Jackbooted Thugs."

    He was a President that failed to get re-elected after being in the shadow of Ronald Reagan and won a war with the least amount of casualties in History. I agree with John Ross when he said it was not the "Read My Lips. No More Taxes" that sunk him but his betrayal to gun owners.

  3. The funny thing is... Look at pictures of BATFE raids... Um... what is that on their feet? Jack Boots??? Say it ain't so! Now they might not like being called thugs, but the first part is awful hard for them to deny. And frankly, the second part isn't really either.

    1. Combat boots aren't jackboots. Jackboots don't have laces and go up over the knee. I've yet to see an ATF agent wearing authentic jackboots in any on-the-job photos.

      Jackboot has long been an euphemism for government bully, and was appropriately used by LaPierre in that instance.

  4. The Republicans in general are, at best, fair weather friends to gun people. Reagan signed the law that basically meant that, sooner or later, full-auto would no longer be available to ordinary citizens, and Trump's looking to ban "bump stocks" (of which I had never heard before the Las Vegas shooting).


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