04 March 2019

A Philosophical Question

If I am assaulted while wearing a MAGA hat...

...and I shoot my assailant in self defense...

Will I be charged with hunting over bait?


  1. In Broward County? Yes. Most definitely yes. Same with Whorelando, and Gainesville. And in Tallahassee. The rest of the state? You might get a medal. Brevard County? Heck, the Sheriff might probably make you an honorary deputy!

  2. In many states, including where I live, hunting over bait is legal.
    And yes, concealed carry and self defense are legal in the big liberal cities here too.

  3. After you posted this? Yes.

  4. Well, in Oregon, if your assailant is a deer, NO. Bear, yes! AntiFA?, You don't even need a hunting license, and there are no limits on sewer rats.

  5. Hunting UNDER bait. There, I fixed it for ya.


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