28 March 2019

The Constant Pecking Might Have Done Some Good

Florida HB 7093 was advanced on 3-21 by the Education Committee and my representative voted for it.

She might just be learning.


  1. I'm puzzled.

    I went to look up Florida HB 7073 for the details and find:
    It relates to export permits and fees for pharmaceuticals exporters and international wholesalers;
    It advanced from committee on March 28 with 16 ayes and 10 nays;
    There is no record of a 21-3 vote.

    Is this the bill to which you are referring?

    1. I think he meant HB 7093 School Safety: Revises provisions relating to Coach Aaron Feis Guardian Program, Office of Safe Schools, school safety, student records, school safety specialists, threat assessment teams, student mental health assistance, safe-school officers, Florida Safe Schools Assessment Tool, & funding provisions.

      The prohibition for teachers to be in the Guardian Program is removed in this bill. I think it hs done all the committees and goes to the House Floor.

    2. Thanks!

      Off to read it now.


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