04 March 2019

Slavery Repatriations

We're not actually talking about making reparations about slavery.

In reality slavery was paid, in full, in blood by about 360,000 Union soldiers.  Soldiers whom were predominantly white and nearly exclusively male.

I've done the math about what the weregild would be for them.  Every black person in America would owe about $331k to pay that debt at the current average wrongful death settlement rate.

In addition to fighting and dying to end slavery, it was codified by the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.  Amendments which made the former slaves citizens in addition to making them free.

What reparations are talking about is Jim Crow.

Once again, I find that I'm not to blame.

Jim Crow Laws were the creation of one party, and it's not the Party of Lincoln.

There's rafts of laws from the 1960's that have addressed those laws.

But the race baiters want a cash settlement instead?


We'll just roll back all those laws and amendments and cut y'all checks.

Better spend it quick.  You're not voting next election.  Not that you could afford it or pass the tests that are re-implemented.

Civil rights?  Oh, those aren't part of the constitution for you anymore.  Missing the 14th yet?

1 comment:

  1. Roll back those amendments, and they aren't citizens any more. Hope they like Liberia!


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