23 March 2019

Before Anyone Comments On It

I know that my small contributions won't be missed and this petulant rage quit just makes me a laughing stock.

It's us folks who matter least who complain loudest about the littlest things, after all.


  1. Oh heck... in whose house did you drop a load now?

    1. I doth believe it is reference to a now deleted post.

      And our host is right. Sometimes the least contributing people do make the most noise. But when you're poor all you have is your voice. When you're rich you can buy your voice.

    2. I made the mistake of thinking that because I was a financial contributor to InRange that my opinion about the content mattered.

      I was mistaken.

      I have withdrawn my financial support, small as it was, for both InRange and Forgotten Weapons.

      They've a loyal troupe of fanbois who go attack mode for expressing a differing opinion.

      My feeling was that if I wanted Carnik content, I would go to his channel and pay his patreon.

    3. You made the right move. You were in the same situation as the stockholder with 1 share at the annual stockholders' meeting. Your voice is as powerful as your contribution.

      I've done the same to lots of blogs and info sites also. When I find that I click but don't enjoy the action, pfffft, gone. Like some certain angry old lady from up north who drives a convertible and thinks I suck because I don't go to gun-shooting classes every weekend but when you look at her she is dressed about as well as your average hobo. I don't need or want to look at her site anymore. Done with her.

      You done good, son. You made your point. And they can listen or not as the case be.


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