23 March 2019

Rage Quit

There was a YouTuber called CarniKcon.

He made shooting videos which were frenetic and humorous, but devoid of any meat in the content.

His videos were also one-note things.  Once you figured out the shtick on one, you had the fullness of it.

I was happy when he went away and people stopped linking to the silliness.

InRange, on the other hand, appears to have found him endlessly amusing and has partnered with him more than once.

Because I was paying them a small amount on Patreon, I thought that I'd offer my thoughts about not-liking that kind of content and it not being what I was paying for.  On Facebook.

The rabid fanbois told me I had no right to complain and since my contribution was insignificant, I wasn't really paying for anything.

Since I am not really paying for anything, why waste the money?

When I cancelled my Patreon support, I said why.  Karl, from InRange, commented in the Facebook thread, cited that thread was why I'd cancelled my support, thanked me for the support and LITERALLY shrugged.  He doesn't care.  The fanbois were correct, I didn't matter.

Ian from Forgotten Weapons is also Ian from InRange.  I cannot in good conscience support him at Forgotten Weapons for fear that the all-too-fungible money I donate finds its way into InRange's coffers.

But I don't matter, so this will have no effect.  On them.  Not unless a lot of people read this and say, "let the CarniKcon fanbois support them, I'm out!"  But since my total readership is not "a lot of people" I doubt they're even going to notice.  Not any more than McDonalds has noticed that I don't eat there any more.

McDonalds is an apt comparison, though.  Individually, we don't matter.  Collectively, we do.  If we vote with our feet and wallets, we can effect change.

I've voted.  And just like in every election I've participated in, I've had no effect on the outcome.

It makes me sad.

But there's a happy kernel.  Look at all the time I'm getting back to myself!

While I was hitting unsubscribe on the respective YouTube channels, I realized that I hadn't actually watched the videos I'd been paying for for a while.  Sure, I played them, but I had stopped actively watching them a long time ago.

Inertia had kept me clicking on them long after they'd stopped holding much interest for me.

That's led me to notice that I'm doing the same thing with C&Rsenal's vids.  The video is playing, but I'm not really paying attention to it.  This one bothers me because the content they put out is excellent and informative.

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