06 November 2020


A core tenet of capitalism being evil is that someone loses in every transaction.

Not that one side can make a bad exchange, but that all of them must be.

Well, here I am.

Disputing this.

I have an item which, while it's still being made, is no longer made in the color I have.

I have a friend who desires that color.

This item, in this color is becoming something of a collector's item.  I could sell it for far more than replacing it would cost.

But a swap with my friend works just as well.

They're buying a new one in the color that's still being made and I'm giving them mine.

I guess the socialists would claim that I'm getting screwed here because I could have sold it for more and had money left over once I'd replaced it.

But I don't see it that way at all.

Both me and my friend have entered into the transaction willingly (and technically I am trading for the slightly upgraded newer model) and we're both happy with the outcome.  Well, USPS still has a vote in our satisfaction...

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