29 November 2020

Timing Is Everything?

Lemme get this straight.

The mail-in voting law in PA is unconstitutional, the PA Supreme Court even admits it in its ruling, but they will let the law stand because the plaintiff filed too late?

They are letting an unconstitutional law stand after finding that it is, indeed, unconstitutional.




Some assembly required.

I would be more incredulous about this, but I've watched how standing works for a long time with firearms cases.

You can't file a complaint until you've been injured by the unconstitutional law.

That means you have to wait until the law actually affects you.

What they're saying is the plaintiff didn't notice in time that they were affected.


So I'm just going to head on over to Africa and buy me some slaves.

Owning slaves is unconstitutional?

I just kept them from finding out until it was too late to file, so I get to keep them.

Yes, the PA Supreme Court's ruling IS that absurd.

1 comment:

  1. The absurdity of the whole damn thing, from secret backdoors in software to voting machines hooked up to the internet to this and that and the other thing, well...

    According to these people, it's a clean election!


    And, yes, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court just set itself up to being reamed by the Supreme Supremes.


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