30 November 2020

I Really Must Leave Tabs Open

I can't remember where I was reading it, but there's a distinct possibility that it's not CO2 causing what warming we're experiencing (if any).

We have been very successful in reducing particulate pollution over the last 80 years.

Without this pollution in the atmosphere, the sunlight is now free to make it all the way down to the ground instead of providing some artificial shade.


  1. That's not at all a silly notion.

    After all, isn't that very "artificial shade" EXACTLY what the South Africans were allegedly planning on doing over Cape Town to help avert a crisis caused by running out of water?

    I wonder: Do the much vaunted "climate models" have yet another (unknown) variable to account for this factor?

    1. Darn it, I'd meant to mention the Cape Town plan.

      I seriously doubt the climate models account for pollution beyond the narrative.

  2. Well, the #1 greenhouse gas is... water vapor, so...

    Then there's all the gasses that get spewed out of volcanoes. And now we have radioactive smoke from forest fires around Chernobyl.

    CO2 is our friend!

  3. Replies
    1. Unlike what the greenies are trying to stop, particulate emissions are genuine pollution. It was a good thing to get rid of it.

      The entire premise of global warmering is the nebulously defined global average temperature was ideal back in mumble mumble mumble and we should revert to stone age savagery (except, of course the elitest of the elite) to keep the temperature there.

      Except the world has been much hotter and much cooler in human history. Very much colder in human pre-history.


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