16 November 2020

Jarhead's Law

"As an online discussion about firearms and firearm accessories grows longer, the probability of a Marine demanding deference to their opinion because they are a Marine approaches 1."
I've lost track of the number of times I've seen this phenomenon.
"What makes product A better than B?"
Well, I'm a Marine so...
It's especially galling when they claim to have done tests personally, but avoid presenting any data like the plague.


  1. One thing that I've had occasion to point out is that something that works well for A does not necessarily fit B's needs, at all. As a left-hander, I've had to deal with this sort of nonsense all my life. My brother recently pranged his right arm, and he tells me he now can relate to what I've been through.

  2. You shouldn't refer to Marines as "jarheads."

    Jars are useful for storing things.


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