07 November 2020

Trying To Remain Calm

There's some good news out there.

It appears that the Senate will remain in Republican hands and The House's Democrat majority will be even narrower than present.

Gridlock, Baby, gridlock.

In a lot of ways, it's ideal.  Nobody can make anything worse, because they rarely make it better.

I'd feel better about a Democrat president if the NRA wasn't in tatters.  I was hoping we'd get the remains of Trumps second term to unfuck Wayne's damage.

The most positive news, though, is redistricting.  That's solidly in Republican hands.

I think that is going to mean good things in two years.

Legs crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Gridlock is good. We have enough laws. Too many really. The less the government does the better usually. Because most things that change, change for the worse.

    I'm hoping that this whole debacle with the Democrats stealing the election by massive voting fraud will unite Republicans and fuel a rebuilding of the NRA. I'm hoping nothing happens but a lot of arguing for the next 2 years and that the midterm elections are a disaster for the Democrats even worse than they faced after they rammed through the horrible 1994 AWB.


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