23 November 2020

Fuck You 2020!

 I was looking at the cutting block when it happened.

The bakelite-like plastic on my beloved JA Henkels 8" chef's knife spontaneously popped at the front rivet.

This vaulted it off the counter and onto the terrazzo floor of the kitchen, landing right on the point.


That knife had a lifetime's worth of life still in it.


Amazon will have a replacement here tomorrow.

Having good cutlery in the kitchen is not an option, it's a necessity.


  1. Not worth regrinding the point? I resurrected a 6inch Sabatier (French, not the Chinese knockoffs) some time back with a stepped down power drill and grinding wheel, and it's given sterling service ever since.
    Unfortunately, I've had the same issue as you - splits around the rivets (but without the subsequent aerobatics, happily). I've got some nice Brazilian mahogany (a broken down antique dining table) that should serve.

    1. The 4˚ angle of the last half inch of the blade is what made me give up.

      Putting a new handle on is also a "don' wanna" item.

      The silly thing is, I know exactly where I can get it fixed, assuming the old guy didn't die since I've moved. State Center, Iowa used to have an old codger who did this kind of work.


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