15 November 2020


I am reminded of something Willard once said.

The quote doesn't matter much.

But there those of us who know what color human fat is.

And there's those of us who've never seen it.

Those of us who have, we'd like to remind you that you REALLY don't wanna poke that memory with a stick.

We've had decades to learn to live with the idea.

It's an old idea.  An ancient memory.


  1. Saw it hanging out of my foot one day when I did something stupid. At the age of 10.

    That and the look of other inside body parts.

    You are right, it is a rather strong memory.

    And having seen it, well...

  2. John Ross said that the first one is hard and the rest are free. I got the hard out of the way on the Government's dime. I don't mind doing it to damn near feral class of criminal that wants me dead


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