28 October 2022

But Did He Drive Afterwards?

In the crime-free liberal Mecca of California, someone broke into Nancy Pelosi's house and beat on her husband with a hammer.

Normally, after getting hammered, he goes for a drive.

No word on this yet, but we'll try to stay on this story as it develops... 

Snark aside, I'm wondering about the motive too.

Just normal criminal activity in the San Francisco explains it, but there could be more because she's Speaker of the House.

One wonders what Paul knows about the Clintons, for example.


  1. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11365447/Nancy-Pelosi-says-husband-Paul-violently-ASSAULTED-attacker.html

  2. A common CA loon. Almost certainly a D voter so expect the story to vanish soon. Oh, and the perp released without bail.

  3. Perp from Berkeley, originally from Canada. A "Castro" nudist. Supposed to be deported, but not because CA is a sanctuary city. 911 call made by Pelosi said, he, "knew the man." There was a 3rd unknown man with them. Sure, yeah, who hasn't been in a hammer fight wearing only underwear with your buddies at 2AM, right? This was a male escort thing gone bad. 40 yr age difference between Pelosi and the escort, who's also a “hemp jewelry maker," and some sort of gay street pastor. LMAO! See Chadwick Moore on Twitter for the details. Twitchy also has info:


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