18 October 2022

Lewis Gun

I've long loved Issac Newton Lewis' invention.

The first time I noticed it was in a western of all damn things.

Probably The Professionals, I don't remember the movie much at all.

It's just a neat looking gun, even if the cooling system is pretty much worthless.

It's operating system begets both the FG.42 and the M60 machine gun.

Surprisingly, I've never made a character who had one, except that one SE.5A pilot.

Someplace I have stats made up for the .30-06 M1913 which the US would probably have bought had Crozier not so hated Lewis. 

Watching Peaky Blinders is making me want to make a character with one.

I have that Prohibition with magic setting that I never got players for...  Might fit there.

I wonder what would have become of the BAR if the Lewis had been our LMG from before we got involved with The Great War.

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