25 October 2022

Eight Bullet Per Round Limit

Considering that duplex and triplex ammunition wasn't a rousing success, I think we're OK with a legal limit of 8 bullets per round considering present technological limitations.


  1. Maybe, in his deranged state, he was thinking of shotguns?

    1. One would hope that a limit of 8 pellets wouldn't apply to shotguns or we'd pretty nearly be limited to slugs. Even 00 buck in 12ga is usually 9 pellets.

  2. Brandon is a shotgun enthusiast, he's probably not talking about his favorite home defense gun.

    1. Brandon is incredibly stupid about shotguns though. He probably thinks he should "rack the slide" on his fancy O-U shotgun before he fires the warning shot in the air. For guys like him, any appearances with firearms are photo-ops to show how knowledgeable they are when they are trying to ban everything for everyone else.


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