10 October 2022

No More Donations

PayPal has decided to be idiotic about their terms of service, so I have decided that I cannot, in good faith, continue to have an account with them.

A contract which is only binding on one party and can be amended at will by the other is not a contract, but the courts are not fixing it.

All one can do is not do business with them any longer.

I am open to suggestions to replace that donation button with a different service.


  1. Yeah, they tried walking that statement/policy change back, but the writing is on the wall (as it were)... Looking for alternates as well, PP was easy and convenient in the past, but they crossed the line to evil/stupid there saying they could simply fine me as a paying customer at will should they wish to...

    1. doesn't seem right but the left can do whatever they want...panzer guy

  2. Not an on-line computer payment user at all, but two blogs (Survivalblog and Bayou Renaissance Man) appear to be suggesting Gab Pay as a possible substitute. Their current position of posted content seems to be a bit more live and let live.

    I hope this helps - jrg

  3. And the Social Justice Score is (not so) quietly put into place. Credit cards, bank accounts, payment services...

    It's to the point that a money order is the only way to pay, and that will soon only be for payments leaving the country.

    Yet THEY accuse us of being fascists and nazis...


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