19 October 2022

The Nazis Have One Thing Going For Them

There's nobody out there saying that "nobody has tried REAL Nazism."

Out in Portland, someone decided to finally deal with a homeless encampment.


There was no government inside the camp.  Just what the homeless put up for themselves.

It was libertarian.

Or is the preferred term still anarchy?

In the forum I found that link I noticed people trying to distinguish libertarianism from what was going on in that camp, "that's not REAL libertarianism!"

They are correct.  REAL libertarianism is just as workable and realistic as communism.  Utopia cannot be achieved.

Inside the boundaries of that encampment, the libertarian ideal was in place and running...  Exactly as well as I expected it to when I compared what people like L Niel Smith sold to human nature.

There's so many great ideas that don't expand well past the monkey level.

I will concede that it wasn't real libertarianism.  The fact that there was so much stolen property inside the borders says that someone wasn't using the non-aggression principle.  Or were they?

As I recall, you can do back what was done to you and many homeless in these camps are nursing grievances.  "I stole that because society stole from me!" is kind of a libertarian response.

"BUT THAT'S NOT HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK!" the libertarian in the comments will say.

True.  But that's how it DOES work when you try it with real people.

PS: Notice how the news article doesn't call them "homeless" but "campers"?  There's the real problem.


  1. Curious that the problem was dealt with due to the rats moving in on the squirrels and 'monks, but the effects on resident humans was ignored. Lesson; don't mess with the fuzzies when you resist the Woke.

  2. Around here, the unco' guid call them "the unhoused." While you know that I am a libertarian, I have never been an anarchist. Humans, for worse and for worse, are social animals. (I didn't want to be one, but all the slots for wolverines were filled when I came by.) We also instinctively form hierarchies.

    To me, government is a tool. It is not God. It is not Santa Claus. And using it for situations for which it is ill-suited is about as silly as trying to fix a computer with an Allen wrench. I like to say "Government is like salt in food. The proper amount is nice---but I don't see anybody lusting for a big plate of salt."

    1. I dropped out of the libertarian scene because I was sick of being shouted down as a statist for suggesting that even a sliver of government was going to be needed.

      L Niel's constant push to anarchy didn't make me any happier about talking to some of the crowd there either.

  3. "REAL libertarianism is just as workable and realistic as communism...There's so many great ideas that don't expand well past the monkey level." *CLAP* *CLAP* *CLAP* Agreed. -Jking


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