28 October 2022

I Wonder

I notice that Putin has gotten quieter about the threat of a dirty bomb and I think I might have figured out why.

It's not because he thinks the idea is bad.

I think it's because we can identify the exact machine which got the radioactive material out of the ore with spectrographic analysis.

So if a dirty bomb goes off, the wind will carry the fallout to where people who don't have a stake in the war will analyze it and can tell us where the shit came from originally.

And if it's 100% Russian, which a Ukrainian made device would not be, then we know it's a false flag and it puts Putin in a bad place.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Are you aware that I have comment posting guidelines and they haven't changed in years?

  2. Actually, given the sheer amount of Russian Nuclear material that was exchanged in the Megatons to Megawatts program and various "Salvage" exercises the US Navy and others have done over the decades it's nearly impossible we don't happen to have plenty of pure grade A "Russian" weapons material available.

  3. Usually do- was in a rush.........Johnny Gee.

  4. That capability has been around for decades, and was even mentioned in Tom Clancy novels in the 1990s, IIRC (pretty sure it was in Sum OF All Fears, 1991). I'm betting Putin is well aware of that, and always was. (Which has served to identify all the people screaming "False flag!" cockamamie theories of nukes popping from anyone else as techno-ignorant Chicken Littles, btw.) I think Putin hasn't done it because it's a stupid idea, and he knew that up front, but he only floated that turd balloon because all he's got in this game is a pair of threes and a bad poker face bluff, which keeps getting called. Alternative possibility is that his own intelligence services make the bullpen staff at the old National Inquirer or the current TMZ show look like Nostradamus by comparison, and they spit-balled that story to him because they're even worse at their jobs than his Ukrainian commanders.

    Either of which, I think, makes him more functionally impotent, and simultaneously more dangerous, as he fails to achieve what he wants, serially, with conventional forces. Bad enough to have an army that's a total clown show, but far worse to open their act in front of a world premiere of everyone else on the planet.

    We thus remain at the mercy of the sanity (or long-suffering) of Russian generals.
    Interesting times.

  5. Add that we sold the Russians a rather large percentage of our refined uranium when Hillary Clinton was SecState, I suspect a rather large amount of fissionable materials in Russian hands will test like it came from the US system.


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