18 July 2024

35 Miles Per Gallon

35 mpg now!

35 mpg tomorrow!

35 mpg forever!

(How's that for an inflammatory way to say it?)

Now that Chevron Deference is nuked, let's do the EPA.

Did you know that the fleet average fuel economy, as defined by law, is 35 miles per gallon for model years 2010 through 2020?

For 2021 through 2030 it's the maximum feasible fuel economy.

No definition beyond that.

So Biden's economy killing EPA standards have no definition in black letter law.

Without the power of Chevron, the lawyers for the automakers are going to have a field day saying that going past the current rating is infeasible.

Fingers crossed!


  1. I would love to see the administrative state toppled but I fear a Democrat controlled Congress will legislate it back. I do wish the footprint rule and chicken tax would go away so I could get a decent small truck again.

    1. Legislating it back gets voters to notice, unlike rulemaking. That's why the Admin State was created.

      People bitch about a rule to their congress creature and they have plausible deniability about it not being their fault.

      People bitch about a vote and they know who to replace next election.


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