13 July 2024

Pipe In The Conservatory

Someone has already said that it was an AR.

I reiterate:  Wasn't me, didn't do it.

What makes me worry about this is when I was wanting to watch Air Force One land in Des Moines with President Clinton, I noticed all the likely places to be shooting at the president were already taken by the secret service.

That included all the good places to watch the plane land, so I didn't get to see it until after it was parked.

It really makes me wonder whom was the shooter, I haven't found any news about that yet.  I note that they're being reported as dead.  I'm going to assume their social media and any manifestos are long gone by this point.


  1. Trump's people have been asking for an inceased SS detail for months, and Bribem and the head of the SS have denied the excessive coverage.

    Yeah, it was an obvious spot. But when you're restricted as to numbers, there's only so much you can cover.

    Betcha Trump's people were hiring security specialists pretty much 10 seconds after they found out Trump was okay.

  2. It couldn’t have been an AR. According to firearms expert, Joy Behar, if Trump had been hit in the ear with a round from an AR, Trumps head and torso would have been vaporized

    1. If you look at the closeups of the wound to his ear it was a through and through the cartriledge and flesh part of the outer ear. It never touched his scalp let alone the skull. It's really quite amazing it was so close and yet just far enough to be basically "just a flesh wound". Trump is either incredibly lucky or the shooter was an incredible shot if where he hit was where he wanted the bullet to go. I'm betting on luck here. The angle of his head to the line of the shot had to be exactly so in order for it to happen the way it did. A bullet path 1/4" or so one way or the other and it would have either been a complete miss or would have hit the scalp and possibly skull. However, at that angle, even if it had hit the skull it might have bounced off and just grazed it or at least possibly it still woulnd't have been fatal. However, if Trumps head had been at a different angle then the situation would have been quite different and possibly a fatal head wound.

    2. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the size of the wound in the images I've seen looks consistent with a .22 caliber round to me. The amount of blood is pretty consistent to what I've seen for that kind of flesh wound too. Messy but not very life threatening, even with just basic first aid.

      However all that said, these days any black demi auto long gun is an "AR type" to the press, so we don't know for sure if it was or not until they make an official statement (which I haven't heard yet) or they show a picture (haven't seen anything yet).


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