03 July 2024

Kitty Détente

Shadow does not flee at the mere sight of Beeper being carried past her now.

She did seek the place she sleeps as a shelter when Beeper was placed on the other side of a glass door, though.

Once she'd sheltered there, I opened the door and Beeper is roaming the house with all the doors open.

I expect some fur to still fly, but this is feeling more like normal kitty politics than the "You will DIE!" stuff we had for a while.

Beeper is very neurotic about Shadow.

We theorize that she was kicked out of her previous home because she couldn't adapt to a new pet and she's still carrying the trauma of being abandoned.

Bear?  The Bear abides.

When Beeper and Shadow get too serious, he will utter a growl that sounds like a GAU-8 and the girls STOP.

Bear does not want justice.  Bear wants peace.

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