28 July 2024

So Very Brave

Looking at all the LGBTQ+ alterations of Christian themes in the 2024 Summer Olympic games and all I can think is, "Yes, yes, you're so very brave.  Now do Islam."

I fucking dare you, you fucking cowards.

But you know who will put up with your shit, and it's not Islam, is it?


  1. I think you spelled, "not cut off your head with rusty garden shears", incorrectly.

  2. And they wonder, between the stupid opening ceremonies, the continued lack of real coverage over 'personal stories,' crappy sportscasters and announcers and huge levels of cheating in one form or another, why so many people have stopped watching.

  3. It didn't help that NBC has done a really lousy job of coverage. So much of the opening ceremonies when you watched their coverage the narration was so lame it was like "WTF is this supposed to mean?"

    I've got nothing agains trans really, not something I really care about much either. None of my business, and I generally don't get involved.

    But I get tired of stuff being shoved at me over an over again. I start to lose patience and sympathy. Something that is < 2% of the population by just about any estimate doesn't need to be overrepresented at every possible opportunity.

  4. Awe damn... forgot to sign again... -swj

  5. The whole "gender bending," "transgender" and "gay" thing has lost its novelty some time ago. It's no longer "edgy" or "transgressive." It's more like "seen that, done that, bought the T-shirt---what have you got that's new?" A lot of it also strikes me as a lot less about getting a fair deal for gays (which even I, who am no friend of theirs, will admit they deserve) than it is about sticking pins in Mommy, Daddy, the preacher, and whoever else wasn't happy when they "came out."

    If they're trying to weird people out---look, mundane, I've been to more SF cons than I can easily remember. I get weirder things than you with my breakfast cereal!


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