20 July 2024

Say Hi To Dianne In Hell

Sheila Jackson Lee is dead.



  1. I thought I felt the world become lighter and brighter and somewhat smarter. Guess I know why now.

    But Jane Fonda is still above the ground... And so many others.

  2. I felt a great disturbance in the Force. It was as though thousands of people were rejoicing...

  3. Sadly the hood rats in Houston will probably elect someone equally bad to replace her. They gotta have their free shit.

  4. its the first worthwhile thing the scum Cnut has ever done.

  5. She sent her first tweet yesterday:

    "But it's a dry heat..."

  6. This came to mind, and I cannot disagree: “I’ve never wished a (wo)man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure”


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