26 July 2024

GM Never Stop Being You


These four speakers are identical.

Holden assigned each one a different part number based on where it will be mounted in the car.

Is it any wonder they went bankrupt?

Of note: the paper speakers from GM are 4Ω, 20w.  That's probably peak wattage too.  They were replaced by 4Ω, 540w peak, 180w RMS.

Holden did not brag about the power of their stereo in their sales literature.

1 comment:

  1. Holden didn't so much go bankrupt, as GM decided they had sucked as much money from the taxpayers of Oz as they could.

    When the governemnt of the day balked at more subsidies, GM threatened to shutter the factory, and the only response they got was "And?".


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