01 July 2024

I'm Old Enough

I am old enough to remember the attacks against President Reagan because of his age and presumed mental decline.

Accusations that Nancy was really in charge.  Or VP Bush.

Where are these voices now concerning President Biden?  Where are the accusations against Jill?  Or Kamala?

I can see them here and there, but they're different voices.

They are not skits on Saturday Night Live.

They are not full page editorials in Newspapers.

They are not given significant air time on shows like 20/20 or 60 Minutes (are those shows even still on?).

Never mind that Ronnie's decline happened after he left office, it didn't happen noticeably while he was still president.

I had my doubts about Joe back in 2020, but footage of him talking then compared to now is stark.

A case could be made that the people putting him forward to run are committing abuse of the elderly and infirm.  A felony in Florida.

It staggers the mind.

1 comment:

  1. Saturday Night Live is still on the air? Who knew? I stopped watching after the original "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" left---the show got so shrill and monotonously anti-Reagan that I lost interest.


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