21 July 2024

Preference Falsification

Borepatch is calling it a "preference cascade" but that term is a blurring of information cascade and preference falsification.

They're really intertwined concepts.

I've been hoping for whatever we're going to call it to hurry up and happen already.

I think we came tantalizingly close with the Tea Party, but we fucked up and let it be mainstreamed by the same people who were the other side of the coin of those we wanted removed from meddling with our lives.

I don't think we're vulnerable to that this time around.

I don't think he's wrong either.

Something shifted.  It's almost palpable.


  1. It's interesting to see that THEM have screwed up so bad that normies and even some of their faithful can't take the propaganda bullscat any more and have openly renounced THEM.

    Kind of like I did, the first time I looked at a paycheck and went, "WHAT THE ???" Oh, sure, listened to Reagan but my mother is a lifelong FDR democrat and I was pretty programmed between her and the teachers at school. But one day... just looking at how much of my meager paycheck didn't come to me, big eye opening moment.

  2. Trump is a symptom, just like Sarah Palin, Jesse Ventura and the Tea Parties were. I think this time he does understand the forces that propelled him into office, and I hope he's got people lined up for positions in his administration that are onboard with him, instead of listening to the mainstream EGOP.


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