28 July 2024

Overthinking It

I remounted the front speakers in The Beast.

Previously I'd mounted the spacer directly to the sheet metal of the door.

Today I mounted the spacer to the plastic basket the old speakers were mounted to.

The overthinking reason was the gaping hole in the plastic moisture barrier.in front of the speaker.  A hole that is nicely plugged by the basket.

I would probably have done this from the get go, but a lack of 1-1/2" long #10 sheet metal screws prevented it.  A trip to Lowe's solved the lack of screws.

An unexpected benefit of using the baskets is they change the aim of the speaker just a little bit and I can actually hear the slight difference.

The rear speaker holes are sealed by the spacers, so I might not go back in and put the baskets there.  Or I might.  Depends on how ambitious I get.  It's simple now that I have the right length screws.

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