25 July 2024

That's Where You Get The Bad Guys For Your Story

This isn't just about bad guys.

A world where you can put your adult mind in a child's body is going to have a different kind of porn and kinks than our own.

If I was GM'ing, they'd be the creeper bad guys the players were trying to stop.

Let them decide if they're doing it for moral or legal reasons.

The Duncanites in Transhuman Space, particularly the Red faction would be where you'd go to participate or purchase such pornography and it's the obvious destination for someone looking to put a stop to it.

The sky is the limit on what kind of bot or bioroid you put a mind into.  Some places don't recognize you as a person anymore and there are varying degrees of rights a person who's moved their ghost has.

Furries are going to be actual furry creatures, not just suits.

But what's "fun" about talking about some of this technology are people who've already made a decision about their personal morality as if it was current rather than speculative tech.

Traveller, in the Interstellar Wars era, already has the medical technology for full, down to the genetic level, sex changes.  Gender dysphoria as a medical/psychological condition is fully treatable with a cure!  Multiple cures, actually.  The sex change makes the body match what the mind sees.  There's also stuff to make the mind see their body as it is.

There's folks who've made up their mind that one solution or the other is wrong and anyone seeking the wrong cure should be punished somehow.

In the game too.


  1. I don't really even want to think about some of these things. Having had family members who spent time as a "guest of Uncle Sam" due to crossing over legal boundaries related to this makes it a sensitive subject.

  2. We are 'looking' at the future with today's eyes (and morals and mores.) We are just as likely to have a conservative or very reactionarily conservative interstellar government or governments as we are a 'whatever floats your boat' government or governments. Or both, and with varying spectrums in-between.

    It's like old-school D&D. Alignment as a concept. What will a Lawful society allow. A Good society. Versus a chaotic society or an Evil society. A spectrum of how to act, so to speak. What is permissible and what isn't.

    See? Gaming can be quite complex, can't it?

  3. Weird, the Anony comment above is from me. So now why didn't it give me the proper handle?

    1. I'm starting to recognize some of my long-term commenters and letting their accidental anon publish.


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