03 July 2024

It's Not LIKE They Cannot Read

They really can't read.

The Democrat floating the theory that the president could order a SEAL hit on the supreme court and be immune is missing something very important.

Impeachment.  Impeachment can carry more punishment than simply removing them from office.

Wiping out an entire branch of the government would seem to meet the "high crime" section of the prerequisites, no?

One might also hope for the SEAL team to say, "These are unlawful orders, aren't they?"

Even if El Presidente is immune from criminal proceedings for ordering a hit on SCOTUS, the SEAL team is not.

It's definitely a constitutional crisis level of speculation.

All of the above ignores an important factor.

If the president orders a hit on the supremes and it is carried out; immunity from prosecution is likely the least of their worries because it will be a signal that "it is on."

Break out the Hawaiian shirts and cue the "Boogaloo It Is" soundtrack.


  1. Pretty sure those orders would not be followed, but I suppose it has been a while since I was in, so things might well have changed... But yes, the spicy times would begin immediately after such an order was given, whether it was followed or not... Terrible idea, but I suspect the original person saying these things has no idea what they are talking about, so...

  2. So the thing is, this shows where the Stalinst Democrats like this one really are in their heads.

    When they say Trump is a wanna-be dictator, it is because they want Biden to actually be a dictator.

    They roll out ludicrous arguments like that holding the President immune from any prosecution will result in him not having to answer to anything. As you say, that's ridiculous on so many levels.

    Essentially they are insinuating that if electred Trump would have the libtard majority on the Supreme Court assassinated. Just because they're OK with that kind of thing if it is their guy doing it. That's the way that the governments they want to emulate like the old USSR, CCP and places like North Korea operate so it is not surprising.

    The leftists are huge hypocrites, that's nothing new.

  3. They're actually skipping over the whole "official functions sanctioned by the Constitution" thingie SCOTUS made explicitly clear in their decision regarding POTUS' immunity, but like most Leftards, processing actual facts and basic reading comprehension are lost arts when they're writing a good diaper-spackle screed on their way home in the short bus.

    If anyone can undertake to lay their finger on that clause in the Constitution wherein POTUS may explicitly "assassinate his political opposition" or "execute the chief judicial branch wholesale", I stand corrected.

    This is why the best use of Democommunists is punching them in the face until they shut up. You can count on your thumbs the times they say anything worth 2 seconds of your time and not automatically dumber than a bag of rocks. It's eventually what's going to get them sorted permanently, if they keep pushing the issue.

  4. Yes, the president is immune, but those executing the unlawful orders are not. But all the president has to do is promise Seal Team 6 a pardon.

    I like my government limited, and this ruling gives way too much power to the Executive branch. It lays down the road towards an autocracy .



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