14 July 2024

Taking Bets

Who wants to bet the shooter is aligned with Antifa or an adjacent organization that's been spewing hate the past 8+ years.

Think we can even get odds?

The media hid that it was a Bernie Bro as fast as they could at the Congressional Baseball Shooting; I expect more of the same.


  1. They've already possibly identified the shooter as Antifa.

    After all, it's American Tradition that the assassins are left-wing crazies.

  2. And to correct myself, it's English media that identified the shooter as Antifa, along with lots of X-Twitter people. Mainstream media tried to pawn it off like it was a balloon pop or other non-threatening noise that caused Trump to leave. One even said he fell, without saying that he ducked when shot. Lying eneMedia.

  3. Apply 48 hour rule. Some media are saying he was a registered republican while others say with Antifa leanings. My bet is more to the end of a brainwashed 20 YO kid with possible (if at all traceable) links to the left and/or certain agencies (remember the Whitmer case folks, the playbook never changes).

    1. Being registered has little to do with anything. A lot of people register to vote in the opposite party's primaries to try to vote for the candidates that are least electable. What party someone is registered as has ho obligation that they vote that way in the general election. For many people in very lopsided areas they may have to register in the dominant party for that area in order to have a meaningful vote in the primaries at all. The county that I live in is 80+% Democrat. The Republicans haven't had anyone elected to a county wide office in at least the last 23 years I've lived here. The Republicans don't even bother to or can't find anyone willing to run for a lot of offices. The opposite of this could be true of the place where the shooter lives. He might be a rabid leftist that registered just to be able to vote in the primary as a Republican.

    2. I think I forgot to sign that...


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