08 July 2024

No I Think Not

MRS Biden will be in town today to convince us veterans that we need to vote for the only thing about her that matters: Keeping her husband in office so she retains access to the perks of being Mrs The President.


I rather like my chances with the felon.

Having to deal with the VA for three years of COVID bullshit in a state that only did it for about five months guaranteed that I'd not be voting Biden.

We vets didn't get good care from the Wu Ping Cough era and I, for one, remember.


  1. Saw a vest that said

    The V.A.
    Giving veterans a
    Second chance to
    Die for
    Their country

  2. I'm not a veteran, so I can't comment directly... However, I know a lot of Veterans and one of the organizations I am part of works a lot with the VFW near my house so I spend some time there. I'll just say that in general I think the vast majority of Veterans tend to the conservative side. And while there is at least one guy (Prius driver, which tells you something) who I believe is a VN era Vet who has Biden, Obama, Beto, etc., stickers all ove his car, he's by far outnumbered by the number of Trunp and MAGA marked cars and trucks in the lot. And that is despite having any Republican bumper sticker on a car in Travis County subjects it to a fairly substantial risk of being vandalized. Even though most of those that would do that sort of thing would probably be too chicken to actually confront those drivers. So anyway, things kind of speak for themselves as far as who believes who has the best interests of Veterans in mind.

    1. John Fucking Kerry is a Vietnam veteran.

      Being a vet doesn't automatically confer a conservative status.

  3. I can see Jill showing up in Broward County, as that place has been screwed up for over 30 years thanks to the vast number of Damned Yankees who moved down there from NYFC and similar environs.

    But I think she'd get a no-vote even in the Democratic People's County of Alachuastan, capital city of Gainesgrad.

    She might have a somewhat better chance of swinging a vote in some more democrathellish place. Or not.


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