12 July 2024

Can We Talk About Prosecutorial Incompetence Now

Or is it simple corruption?

Alec Baldwin walks because the prosecution suppressed evidence.

I'm no fan of his, but... Good!

When the government lies, the accused should walk even if caught red handed.

Justice should be an unimpeachable neutral party in every case.

The accused should be putting all the weight needed on the scales, no additional thumbs necessary.


  1. I agree completely on this point. I'd also like to see some caught-in-the-act-of-lying prosecutors and police facing prison sentences, without the right of appeal or parole or early release. NOT to mention, I'd also like to see any defendant facing trial with a howling mob outside yelling for his conviction given an automatic acquittal. That was part of what infuriated me about Derek Chauvin's case---that, and the fact that there was very clear reasonable doubt about his guilt.

  2. You almost have to wonder in this case if they didn't intentionally mess up to give him a pass... But I know, never ascribe to malice what can be attributed to incompetence. Or something like that.

    But yeah, it seems like if what came out was true, the judge did the right thing.

    As for Chauvin... he got railroaded.

  3. This doesn't pass the smell test to me. Prosecutors are caught withholding evidence regularly. This is the first time I've ever heard of the case being out right dismissed...with prejudice no less...for it.

    At worst, it typically results in a mistrial and the prosecution can try again with a new jury. Most of the time it results in a stern warning to the prosecution and the trial goes on with the understanding that continuing the trial may be grounds for appeal.

    I've never seen a case dismissed, and dismissing it with prejudice means that they can't prosecute him again...he's off scott free.

    I think they prosecuted him in the first place just because of the public relations aspect of letting him off with no charges. My suspicion is that this was a set up. They knew that this was going to be the outcome from the jump.

    The rich, famous person gets away with negligent homicide and they get to pretend like justice was served.

    Not saying for sure that's what happened, but my suspicions are strong on this one.

  4. Sorry, that last "anonymous" comment about the dismissal being a setup was me. I accidentally published it as anonymous.


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