13 July 2024

Better Eat Your Wheaties

Valentine is, officially, the heaviest AR that I, or anyone I know, owns.

As pictured, she is 13.6 lb.

Yeah, I don't wanna lug that very far.

What happened to the light, handy, M16A1 I remember?  It's 9.6 lb. with that D-60 in it.

Oddly this might be an excellent configuration for post-hurricane defense where social distances are extended a little bit.

Not my first choice for home defense because it's ungainly inside.

Update: Olga is only 11.7 lb. as shown (she'd be 13.4 lb. with a D-60):


I guess now is a good time to talk about the D-60.

It's 2.8 lb. for 60-rounds.  A normal PMAG GenM3 is 1.1 for 30 and 2.2 for 60.

The normal PMAGs package better for carry too.

You can also buy about 8 normal PMAGs for the price of a single D-60.

Why would I want one past "it's neat!"?

If it's the initial magazine in the gun when the fight starts, you get to save some seconds reloading.  That's probably valuable.


  1. I'll have to weigh it, but I have an AR that might give that one a run for it's money in being heavy. It doesn't have a bipod or a flashlight, but it is a full 20" bull barrel with free float handguard and it has a big full sized large adjustable objective scope on it. I wouldn't want to lug it around too much, but it is a pleasure to shoot as far as having basically zero recoil.

  2. Damn... I might ave forgot to sign that... a little distracted by the Trump shooting news coverage.

  3. Have 2 d-60's new in boxes. Probubly should see if they work.


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