02 June 2018

Nerd Chic

I have noticed on my infrequent trips to the comic and game shop that there's not so many folks who are like I was.

I'd say like I am, but there's not so many late-40's early-50's folks just like when I was prime gamer age.

The Beautiful People are there.

Trim, fit, socially adjusted people go to comic shops now!

The female of the species is present in nearly equal ratios as well.

It freaks me out.

The Beautiful People were the source of about half of my bullies in the way back.

They've a gaming area, I know I've changed, I wonder if The Beautiful People have too.  Maybe I should hang my GURPS GM shingle at a table and see if anyone comes to play.  With Westworld being popular, there might be an audience for Sixguns and Spellcasters.

I'd still be twitchy.  I'm still that 14 year old kid when it comes to pretty girls.  Whom now abound in the comic shop.  Couple that with a streak of old-fashioned gentleman, it's a wonder I can talk to anyone of the opposite sex.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, but all the nerds these days play card games. Trying to find a place that allows D&D or a table-top game ala Avalon Hill products, is nigh unto impossible.

    Nerds, but not my type of nerds.


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