04 June 2018

Figured It Out

The twitch is really from me unconsciously locking my right elbow!

I just noticed changing back and forth between my Glock 17 and the M&P that I was doing it.

I relax that elbow, even slightly, and the twitch goes away.

I don't get a twitch shooting lefty because my shoulders don't match.  The shoulder mismatch also makes push-ups 150% harder for me than it would otherwise be as well.

I'm glad/disappointed it took spending the money on the trigger to find the problem.

Glad I found it.
Disappointed the cure didn't need the gun worked on.

I like the feel of the new trigger better, so it's not all bad.  The hinge in the middle trigger S&W has used since Sigma never really sat well with me.


  1. Well, at least you 'found' the fix. That's worth it!!!

    1. Being philosophical about it: I found it with the $40 trigger and not the $175 trigger/sear kit.


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