30 June 2018

Speaking Of Inadequate

The Gauss Mini-Needler (it's so CUTE!) does a whopping 1d(3) pi-.

It goes through armor like nobody's business, the target getting only 1/3 the listed protection.

But 1d pi- still sucks!

Body: minimum, 1; average 1; maximum 3.
Vitals: minimum, 3; average 10; maximum 18.
Skull: minimum, 4; average 14; maximum 24.
Eye: minimum, 4; average 14; maximum 24.

Because of that armor divisor, someone needs at least 18 DR to be immune to it.


  1. Doesn't the Gauss mini-needler have a high rate of fire? Lots of little needles, death by a thousand pin-pricks so to speak. Very fast, very penetrating pin-pricks.

    1. This is the 3mm pistol skill using adorable micro gun, RoF of 4.

      There's a 3mm Gauss Needler using the SMG skill with a RoF of 12. With a weight of 1.5 and bulk of -2, it's Glock sized.

      The 4mm Gauss Machine Pistol, also using SMG skill, has RoF 20.

    2. Well, considering some people today think the .25ACP is still a good round... makes sense that in the Traveller universe there would be someone wanting the same thing in high-tech.

      Mouse guns being mouse guns.

      Wonder if there's 'Saturday Night Special' gauss gun manufacturers out there. "Pssst, hey, Space Marine, wanna buy a Bursa needler? Special on Astra pocket gausses..."


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