26 June 2018


One of the local pawn shops has a couple large boxes of Thermold magazines.

Your choice of 20 or 30 rounders.

Since these were state-of-the-art for Twilight: 2000, I had to have one for photographic purposes.

I ended up with two and a Twin-Mag coupler.

You can even flip one magazine over into "jungle" mod so you can drag the mouth of the spare magazine in the mud and crud!

A loaded Thermold is 16.6 oz.  The coupler is 2.1 oz.  An assembly is 2 lb. 3.3 oz. (2.2 lb. for GURPS).

One of them doesn't lock Andrea's bolt to the rear.

$15 for two magazines and a coupler, even if they don't work they still cause the right people to twitch and sweat.

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